
Tikpan Radio studio : +44 7341 227852
Calls and Texts to Tikpan Radio cost your standard network rate.
To Advertise on Tikpan Radio, please send us an email
We are non-profit online radio station. You can get in touch with us via email.
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How can I send you music?
The music team at Tikpan Radio are always on the look out for new music and keep up to date with what Tikpan Radio listeners are loving. Every week they listen to all the latest tunes for play-listing across the Tikpan Radio network.
From major releases new that week or tracks loved and rated from our Tikpan Radio DJ line up. They also loved to hear from new artists looking to be singed or just on the start of their musical journey.
Tikpan Radio, non-orifit online radio, is where things start to happen, so if you've got music you'd love us to hear then details below. Please make sure you send contact details with any music submitted.
Please send all music for Tikpan radio to:
Email (our preferred option);